
考研復(fù)試 考研調(diào)劑

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來源:考研招生網(wǎng) liuhuimin 2023-03-21
  1)稀土:rare earth
  2)綠色發(fā)展:green development
  3)講好中國(guó)故事:tell China’s stories well
  4)九二共識(shí):the 1992 Consensus
  6)天宮空間站:Tiangong space station
  7)人民幣跨境支付系統(tǒng):Cross-border Interbank Payment System,CIPS
  8)共同富裕:common prosperity
  9)居民消費(fèi)指數(shù):Consumer Price Index,CPI
  10)動(dòng)態(tài)清零:dynamic zero-COVID policy
  11)創(chuàng)新型國(guó)家:innovative country
  12)一國(guó)兩制:one country,two systems
  13)兩大百年奮斗目標(biāo):Two Centenary Goals
  1)entangled photon:糾纏光子
  3)access denial:存取拒絕
  4)Liz Truss:麗茲·特拉斯
  5)Thucydides's trap:修昔底德陷阱
  6)Westminster Abbey:威斯敏斯特教堂,西敏寺
  9)gig economy:零工經(jīng)濟(jì)
  10)nuclear threat:核威脅
  My Correspondence with Celebrities
  When I was young,I was fond of having correspondence with celebrated persons.To be precise,I sent a lot of letters,but received not many replies.However,those who enjoyed the reputation of"masters"did write back to me.
  Some time in 1947,I wrote to Mr.Hu Shi,then President of Peking University,and asked him what ideal and aspiration we young people should cherish.To my amazement,Mr.Hu replied with a remark of encouragement:"A man of virtue never wastes his life.Quoted from Lu Gu by Hu Shi."I thought Mr.Hu might be hinting that I should learn from sages so as to become virtuous.However,it is a pity that I still have not found out the secret to a worthy life,even at an advanced age.
  Once I wrote to Mr.Xu Beihong,the great artist and then President of Peking Art College,asking him what goal young people should strive for.Instead of an encouraging remark,Mr.Xu sent me his picture.The small picture shows a few lifelike sparrows with wings spreading as if to fly,and there is also the artist's signature"悲鴻"(Beihong).As far as I could understand at that time,the picture conveyed a message:young people should learn to survive as those little birds who,with tender wings wide-spread,would launch into the sky and practise flying skills against winds and storms.I really loved this picture,and perceived from it Mr Xu's concern and expectations for us young people.
  Another time,I wrote to consult Mr.Feng Zikai,the well-known cartoonist in Shanghai.He sent me neither remark nor picture,but only his autograph"豐子愷"(Feng Zikai).As Mr.Feng was a cartoonist with a good sense of humour,I thought he might have imbedded some well-considered message in it for me to discover.So I racked my brains and worked out the following implication:"豐",meaning"abundance",refers to an abundance of knowledge;"子",meaning"child",refers to young people;as for"愷",it certainly means"joy and happiness."Ah,yes,I had got Mr.Feng's message—"Only by acquiring an abundance of knowledge and skills,can young people have a bright future and a happy life."
  In October,1949,I wrote to Mr.Guo Moruo,the great writer and historian,to seek advice.He had just come to Beijing(Peking)from Hong Kong by a detour via Dalian,to attend plenary session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.While still staying in Peking Hotel,Mr.Guo managed,out of his tight schedule,to send me a warm reply with some remarks of encouragement:The ancient saying"Approach an encounter with apprehension,and strive to succeed by strategy"is very enlightening.As apprehension arises from anxiety about one's own incapability,the saying calls for caution and vigilance.One will eventually succeed if he takes pains and devises ways to do everything without negligence.As a matter of fact,Mr Guo's quotation comes from the Chinese classic The Confucian Analects,as the part of the text goes,Zilu said,"If you,Master,were given command of all the three armies of a great state,whom would you take to help you?"The Master said,"The man who would fight a tiger bare-handed or cross a river without a boat,and even die without regret—that sort of person I would not take.My associate must be one who would approach an encounter with apprehension,and strive to succeed by strategy."So you see,Mr Guo had not only quoted"approach an encounter with apprehension,and strive to succeed by strategy",but also briefly illuminated its implication.He emphasized caution and vigilance as against rashness and negligence,and advocated the spirit of trying to win success by deliberate,painstaking efforts.His advice greatly inspired me.
  It was worthwhile corresponding with celebrities,but nevertheless I did not keep it up.After I had taken a job in early 1950,I stopped writing to celebrated persons,so as not to inflict inconvenience.It was not until the 1980s that I resumed that interest.Over the years I have received from various celebrities more than one hundred letters,and have preserved them carefully.When I sometimes browse through them,I feel great delight and satisfaction.



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